V For Vendetta
Today, I would like to introduce my favourite movie, V for Vendetta. The movie's setting
is Britain that is under complete control of one powerful dictator, Adam Sutler. The High
Chancellor Sutler, who is obviously named after Adolf Hitler, uses physical power and fear
to control British citizens. He legislates laws to make people obey to him and punishes
disobedient people harshly.
Adam Sutler |
Like Hitler, the Chancellor Sutler is a very charismatic and eloquent orator. He convinces
citizens to vote for him with his rhetorical skills, and the more time passes, the more
frantic citizens become about him. The colours and symbol of his political party remind
people of Nazism.
The man introduces himself as "V" |
While there is no one who can stand against Sutler and his government, a masked man
called V appears suddenly and directly criticizes the corrupt government and obedient
citizens. V invades the government-controlled broadcasting centre and announces war
against the government. He says that after exactly one year from this day, with citizens
who are willing to fight with him, he will destroy the Parliament building. Also, while
waiting for a year, V kills corrupt government officials one by one, indicating that the
Chancellor will be dead in a year, too.
Adam Sutler tells Inspector Finch to arrest V |
Extremely terrified, the Chancellor Sutler orders Inspector Finch to chase V and arrest
Inspector Finch |
However, opposite to Sutler's wish, Inspector Finch comes to know more and more about
the hidden secrets of the government. He finds out that the government is responsible
for the most terrible biological disaster in Britain's history. The government invents a
powerful biological disease and spreads the virus to Britain, killing nearly 100,000
citizens. Then, the government announces that it has found out the remedy and sells it
to people very expensively to get citizens' support, while making huge amounts of money
at the same time. This discovery leads Inspector Finch to let the explosion of the
Parliament building happen later, even though he can stop it. He also realizes that the
change must take place in Britain.
While inventing a bio-weapon, hundreds of people are killed for the experiment |
And, while scientists study to invent the weapon in a secret laboratory, thousands of
innocent people are killed for the experiment. V is one of them. Out of thousands of
people, V is the only person who has endured the experiment and had a successful
V without his cloaks and mask on. He destroys the laboratory and all the researches scientists have done. |
Despite all kinds of effort Sutler has made to catch V, he eventually fails and the noticed
day comes. He is killed on the very day by one of his own men, Creedy.
Creedy |
Adam Sutler is about to die. It is funny that a person who has killed 100,000 people for his own sake fears death. |
Sutler finally dies
After Sutler is killed, V has a battle with Creedy. He is shot dozens of times, but does
not die immediately. He finishes his duty by killing Creedy and dies right in front of Evey,
the girl whom V loves. His body is put into the train that has bombs to destroy the
Parliament building and burns with the bombs.
As promised, the Parliament building is destroyed. This is significant in the movie
because it symbolizes the victory of citizens over the dictatorship and powerful
Literally every citizen in London comes out to the street to watch the building
collapse. Even though Sutler has kept threatening and warning people that following V
will be considered as treason, they overcome fear and fight against the government
bravely, all of them with masks on. Though weaponless, people disobey the soldiers
with guns and defeat them.
Finally, Britain retrieves liberty. The story line is very dramatic and the end is moving. I
was shocked when I first watched this movie because I never thought such kind of
movie could be interesting. I was too used to action movies that do not have much
of artistic values. However, this one was different. This movie is so powerful that it
makes people think and debate about it even after the movie ends. I have already
seen V for Vendetta three times, but I think I will watch many more times. I strongly
recommend to watch this movie.