Friday, October 26, 2012

P.S.Y's Other Songs

Psy is a world star now. 
His song, Gangnam Style, has ranked No. 1 in Billboard Chart in the U.S. and in many other countries. So many people around me practice and dance his so-called "horse dance".

However, I want those new fans of Psy to listen to more of his songs because I personally think other songs are better and more exciting than Gangnam Style. He has written many songs, but among them, I want to recommend "Champion" and "Bird". It has been years since these songs came out, but they are still very popular in Korea. I and my friends sing these songs every time we go to karaoke ^^

Here are links:

And see how crazy people become in Psy's concert!
He appears at the back stage and yells at people, saying "why are you still sitting on chairs??? Stand up right now!!!" (00:20)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Letter to My Friend in Heaven

A Letter to My Friend in Heaven

Dear J.Y.,
Hey, J.Y..
It's already been a year
Since you jumped out of that apartment window at night.
I cried a lot when I first heard the news.
You just couldn't bear your destiny of
Having to compete with your friends,
Having to be compared to your siblings, and
Having to let your grades be more important than everything, right?
I understand how you would have felt.
You just wanted to enjoy life at school with your friends,
Be respected as a person, and
Be in harmony with your family.
I totally understand you.
But, your choice was the most foolish one a person could make.
You should have shared your anxiety with other people,
Rather than suffer by yourself.
There are more people than you think
Whom you can rely on when you have a hard time.

I'm very angry at you,
But if that was the best choice you could think of,
Then maybe I should pray that you don't regret it, right?
I wish you are happy right now.
However, I, and other friends of yours,
Will engrave in our minds that
We will never let this tragedy happen again.
I already miss you a lot, but I have to say goodbye now.
Bye, my friend. I will never forget pleasant memories I shared with you.


William Park

Friday, October 19, 2012

V for Vendetta

V For Vendetta

  Today, I would like to introduce my favourite movie, V for Vendetta. The movie's setting 

is Britain that is under complete control of one powerful dictator, Adam Sutler. The High 

Chancellor Sutler, who is obviously named after Adolf Hitler, uses physical power and fear 

to control British citizens. He legislates laws to make people obey to him and punishes 

disobedient people harshly.

Adam Sutler

  Like Hitler, the Chancellor Sutler is a very charismatic and eloquent orator. He convinces 

citizens to vote for him with his rhetorical skills, and the more time passes, the more 

frantic citizens become about him. The colours and symbol of his political party remind 

people of Nazism.
The man introduces himself as "V"

 While there is no one who can stand against Sutler and his government, a masked man

called V appears suddenly and directly criticizes the corrupt government and obedient

citizens. V invades the government-controlled broadcasting centre and announces war

against the government. He says that after exactly one year from this day, with citizens

who are willing to fight with him, he will destroy the Parliament building. Also, while

waiting for a year, V kills corrupt government officials one by one, indicating that the

Chancellor will be dead in a year, too.

Adam Sutler tells Inspector Finch to arrest V

Extremely terrified, the Chancellor Sutler orders Inspector Finch to chase V and arrest 


Inspector Finch

However, opposite to Sutler's wish, Inspector Finch comes to know more and more about 

the hidden secrets of the government. He finds out that the government is responsible 

for the most terrible biological disaster in Britain's history. The government invents a 

powerful biological disease and spreads the virus to Britain, killing nearly 100,000 

citizens. Then, the government announces that it has found out the remedy and sells it 

to people very expensively to get citizens' support, while making huge amounts of money 

at the same time. This discovery leads Inspector Finch to let the explosion of the 

Parliament building happen later, even though he can stop it. He also realizes that the 

change must take place in Britain.

While inventing a bio-weapon, hundreds of people are killed for the experiment
And, while scientists study to invent the weapon in a secret laboratory, thousands of 

innocent people are killed for the experiment. V is one of them. Out of thousands of 

people, V is the only person who has endured the experiment and had a successful 


V without his cloaks and mask on. He destroys the laboratory and all the researches scientists have done.
Despite all kinds of effort Sutler has made to catch V, he eventually fails and the noticed 

day comes. He is killed on the very day by one of his own men, Creedy.

Adam Sutler is about to die. It is funny that a person who has killed 100,000 people for his own sake fears death.
Sutler finally dies

After Sutler is killed, V has a battle with Creedy. He is shot dozens of times, but does 

not die immediately. He finishes his duty by killing Creedy and dies right in front of Evey, 

the girl whom V loves. His body is put into the train that has bombs to destroy the 

Parliament building and burns with the bombs.

As promised, the Parliament building is destroyed. This is significant in the movie 

because it symbolizes the victory of citizens over the dictatorship and powerful 


Literally every citizen in London comes out to the street to watch the building 

collapse. Even though Sutler has kept threatening and warning people that following V 

will be considered as treason, they overcome fear and fight against the government 

bravely, all of them with masks on. Though weaponless, people disobey the soldiers 

with guns and defeat them.

Finally, Britain retrieves liberty. The story line is very dramatic and the end is moving. I  

was shocked when I first watched this movie because I never thought such kind of 

movie could be interesting. I was too used to action movies that do not have much 

of artistic values. However, this one was different. This movie is so powerful that it 

makes people think and debate about it even after the movie ends. I have already 

seen V for Vendetta three times, but I think I will watch many more times. I strongly 

recommend to watch this movie.

Monday, October 15, 2012



The most marvelous creature I've ever seen:
A moving chestnut burr and four legs attached to it;
Thin and sharp needles on its back,
Black and white beautifully harmonized in each of them;
As fine and smooth as white hairs on its belly when at peace,
But as sharp and dangerous as a knife when wary;
Greyish thin ears constantly moving forward and backward
To hear every single sound,
Shiny black wet nose sniffing curiously at unknown objects;
Long pink tongue continuously polishing its nose,
And putting food greedily into a shark-like mouth;
The grey mask around its nose and its nocturnal behaviour
Would make people think it as a thief,
But innocent sparkling eyes would eliminate all suspicions.

When you pick up something round with needles,
Check first if it's a chestnut burr or a hedgehog!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Edgar Allan Poe's Work

A Dream Within a Dream

Edgar Allan Poe

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

 I became interested in the American poet-author Edgar Allan Poe after being introduced in class that he may have introduced short stories, so I chose one of his poems and read "A Dream Within a Dream". The poem seems to be about the speaker's sadness and despair after the loss of a dear person. Renowned for literary techniques, Poe displays many literary devices. Rhymes are used in every line of the poem(brow-now-avow, roar-shore, hand-sand, and so on). Metaphor, personification and irony occasionally appear. I think "the golden sand" in fourth line of the second stanza means clock, and "shore" and "wave" are personified because a shore cannot "torment" surf and a wave be "pitiless". Irony is used when it is said that "grains of golden sand" are few. The repetition of couplets emphasizes the narrator's opinion that life is pointless. I am very impressed with Poe's ability to use all kinds of literary devices in such a short poem while conveying emotion. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Discussion: The Children of Hurin

<Turin's Tragedy: Fate? His Own Mistake?>

I found an interesting discussion topic related to The Children of Hurin that I introduced last week. The question is, is Turin's tragic death in the end the result of predestined fate or of his flaws in character. I think his tragedy is the result of own flaws and lack of leadership.

Turin has many fatal flaws in his character that have led him to the defeat against Morgoth, The Dark Lord, and ultimately the failure to save his country. Turin is far from other typical heroes in the legends because he is arrogant and stubborn. He despises other people as cravens when they oppose to his suggestion to fight and never listens to other people. In Doriath, Turin ignores Mablung's advice to stay there after accidentally killing Saeros. He leaves the country where he can stay most safely and chooses a harsh, nomadic life, believing that he can make a strong army with his leadership and abilities. It seems that Turin has already been determined to leave Doriath when Thingol and Melian refused to give him their men to fight the Orcs, even when they advised that he would not defeat them alone. In Nargothrond, opposed to Gwindor's suggestion to live in secrecy, Turin insists that they should fight the enemy and even ignores Ulmo's advice to be careful with unnecessary hostility, calling him a coward. The result of his arrogance and inflexibility is tragic: the bridge he built is used as a benefit for the Orcs to approach Nargothrond and the country collapses, along with King Orodreth and his daughter, Finduilas.

Turin has neither intelligence nor leadership. As a leader of the army, Turin often forgets or underestimates the necessity of strategies to win the battle. He just faces the enemy bravely and starts fighting without any plans. He never ambushes, thinking that plans are for cowards. He always survives in the battle with his skills, no matter by how many Orcs he is surrounded, but his men do not because they are ordinary soldiers. Moreover, Turin lacks leadership. Although he becomes a leader of groups which already have leaders, many feel troubled , jealous, and isolated to be with Turin. Turin attracts many women, making the lovers of these women jealous. Finduilas, for example, falls in love with Turin, so her previous lover, Gwindor is in despair. Niniel also breaks Brandir's heart by marrying Turin. Turin does not care about how his men feel and how he should act to keep them on his side. When Glaurung calls Turin "...thief of love, ..., usurper of Nargothrond" (179), it is not only mockery but truth.

Some people might think that Turin has nothing to do with his tragic end of life. All circumstances that happen since his youth have worked disadvantageously toward him. However, he has not tried to overcome them bu compromising with the world and becoming an intelligent, calm leader, and the result is his responsibility. If he were aware of his situation and more desperate to be a true leader of his men, Turin's tragedy would not have happened.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Book Report: The Children of Hurin

Book Report: The Children of Hurin
Today, I finished reading an epic fantasy novel, The Children of Hurin, written by J.R.R. Tolkien, an author renowned for The Lord of the Rings. I have always been curious about Tolkien since I heard that he created his own language and adopted it into his book. Many authors have created languages and used them in their books, but what is unique about Tolkien compared to other authors is that he could express anything with that language. J.K.Rowling uses snake's language in Harry Potter, but cannot speak the whole language in ordinary life. However, Tolkien can. The languages of the Elf in his books are not created randomly but systematically, and he can talk in that language in ordinary life. This fact made me feel excited and pick up this book in a book store. 

Turin is son of Hurin, the king of Hador. One day, Hurin and his allies fights against the Dark Lord, Morgoth, and they lose. Other kings are killed, Hurin is captured, and their countries are taken. On the way Hurin's family is taken to Morgoth, Turin escapes and swears to his mother, Morwen, that he will grow up strong and retrieve his country. Since then, for more than ten years, Turin wanders and explores Middle Earth. During that time, he fights against the Orcs whenever he sees ones. However, in spite of his great dedication of himself to win Morgoth, he loses to him and dies tragically. 

This novel is different from typical fantasy novels in that the main character fails to achieve his goal and surrenders to the evil. Also, compared to its light content, there are many themes and rhetorical devices that people can look at. For example, the colours of black and gold are used repetitively throughout the book as symbols of king, power, and darkness. Tolkien's language that occasionally appears is another factor that makes the book enjoyable. The story and content are not difficult to follow, so to anyone who wants a light fantasy novel with important themes in it, I recommend The Children of Hurin. 


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Samsung Lions V6!!!

Samsung Lions V6

Samsung Lions
my favorite baseball team in Korea, won the 2012 pennant race for the sixth time, and two times in a row. Samsung Lions does not have many star players, but many baseball experts say its cooperation and communication skills among players and coaches are superior to those of any other seven teams. Without star players, every single player successfully accomplishes what he has to do and nobody shows off his achievement or ability. The media does not focus on particular players but all of them, so no one feels isolated or frustrated. 

Although Samsung Lions has been a powerful team since the advent of professional baseball league in Korea in 1982, it has only won six times. So on average, it only won once five years. This record shows how difficult it is for one team to win the pennant race twice in a row. And it's such a coincidence that Samsung Lions did so while I was away studying in Canada. I usually watch highlights of the baseball games almost everyday after school, and whenever I see my favorite team fighting well in harsh competition, I feel hope that I can achieve my goal, too, if I try hard like baseball players. Watching Samsung Lions play was especially helpful when I first came here, which is when I had great difficulties getting used to different culture and language. To me, baseball is not only entertainment but also a hope that keeps encouraging me to work harder. 

But, the season has not ended yet. Though most experts believe that Samsung Lions will be the final winner of this year, Post Season is waiting for the team, and no one knows how the season will end up. Whichever team that wins PO will finally compete with Samsung Lions, and the winner of Korea Series will be the true winner. The first game starts at Oct. 24.

Regardless of the results, the season will end in a month. Now, I have to think of another activity that will entertain me until the next season starts (next April), but I'm not sure if there is anything that I can be obsessed with as much as I am with baseball. :P